An Official Buford MomCo Group

For moms in every season.

Parenting as a mom is a beautiful experience, but it can also come with challenges that can be difficult to walk alone. That’s why RISING has partnered with MomCo to create a ministry we call Woven. This group of moms of all ages and stages of parenting gather together once a month to support one another. That’s because we believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together.

Get connected with other moms.

If you are a mom with a child of any age (even adult children), we have a place for you! Our group is intentionally intergenerational because we all know that we are in this together and everyone has something to contribute. We also provide breakfast and kids programming at EVERY meeting. Please come as you are and connect, learn from, eat with, and enjoy conversation with other moms.

Your kids will be lovingly cared for and will be doing curriculum and activities that are Bible based and tailored to their developmental level. This includes crafts, games, snack, and more! They are led by RISING’s Kids Ministry Team, so all workers have been background checked and gone through training for their position.

Stay in the Loop.