Blaine Tiller Blaine Tiller

RYA Monthly - May 2024

Hey There! 👋

Welcome to May’s edition of RISING Young Adults Monthly. On the first Monday of each month, we’ll post updates about opportunities to connect and grow with other young adults here at RISING Church.

Coming Up ~

RYA Mexico Team Carwash Fundraiser - May 11th

The young adults Mexico team is gearing up and getting ready for our SDC (Summer Discipleship Circuit) to Mexico and California later this month, and to help fund building matrials and costs we’re having a carwash THIS Saturday, May 11th, from 11 am - 2 pm in RISING Church’s parking lot. If you’re around and in town, swing by and let us put a shine on your car while you help support a family in need.

RYA Goes Hiking - May 18th

It’s a beautiful time of year, and we’d love to take advantage of that as much as possible, so we’re getting together for a group day hike on Saturday May 18th. The specific hike we’ll be going on is still TBD, but we’ll make sure it is a mild-moderate option that is approachable to all! We’ll be meeting at the parking lot @ RISING Church at 8:30am to carpool and caravan together to our destination. We can’t wait to see you there!

RPL is Finally Here!!! - Registration Closes May 19th

Rising’s Summer soccer league is right around the corner, and sign-ups are officially open! Do you have friends in and around Gwinnett that want to join in and play this Summer? You should totally invite them! Games are on Sunday nights, begin June 2nd, and will run all the way through the Summer until the championship on July 28th. RPL is for everyone, whether you’ve grown up playing your whole life or have never touched a soccer ball, so sigh up and join us!

RYA Cookout @ The Tiller’s - May 26th

Summer is an amazing time of year for RISING Young Adults, because not only is it a great season for hangs, but a lot of our collegiate crew is back in town for the Summer to join in the fun! So we’re kicking off Summer and celebrating with a cookout at the Tiller’s new home after Church on Sunday, May 26th. Come to the 10:45 service that morning and then head over to the Tiller’s after service for lunch, yard games, and hangs. We’re looking forward to kicking off Summer with YOU!

Dates To Remember:

May 7 = IGNITE
May 11 = RYA Mexico Team Carwash
May 18 = RYA Goes Hiking
May 19 = Baptisms at RISING
May 26 = RYA Cookout After Church
June 24 = RYA Summer Hang
July 22 = RYA Summer Hang
August 16-18 = RISING Weekend
September 5-9 = Men’s Wyoming Retreat
October 3-7 = Women’s Utah Retreat
November 8-10 = RYA Fall Retreat

Why RISING Young Adults?

The story the world tells us about young adulthood is that this is the time in life we should have the most freedom and independence we ever experience. But the truth for many is that it can often feel like a lonely and directionless season of life.

In Christ, we’ve been invited to live a full, abundant life, worthy of the calling we’ve received - life like it’s supposed to be. RISING Young Adults is a community of people with a desire to pursue this life together in community, and as you establish the roots of your adult life, we’d love to invite you to be a part.

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Blaine Tiller Blaine Tiller

RYA Monthly - April 2024

Hey There! 👋

Welcome to April’s edition of RISING Young Adults Monthly. On the first Monday (lol whoops) of each month, we’ll post updates about opportunities to connect and grow with other young adults here at RISING Church. Before we let you in on what’s going down this month, let’s take a look back on March!

This Past Month ~

RYA Pickleball!

We had a great crew and lots of fun at Pickle and Social on Saturday the 30th! We have a feeling there will be more pickle ball outings this Spring and Summer, so keep and eye out and we’ll see you on the court!

See you in the Fall, Grove!

In March we wrapped up our last few weeks in Revelation in what has been a great semester coming together, building relationships, and opening God’s Word together. For anyone who wasn’t able to join in on Grove this Semester, we’d love to see you this Fall, and we hope everyone who was a part will be able to return again for our next session. Be on the lookout for more information on Fall’s session in August!

Coming Up ~

Game Night @ The Tiller’s - April 13th

We’re getting together for a night of classic board/card games and hangs at the Tiller’s this Saturday, April 13th at 7 pm! Bring dinner, friends, and a winning attitude with you - we’ll have dessert and games ready! Of course, feel free to bring any fun games you have as well. It’s going to be a fun night and we can’t wait to see you there!

RYA Goes Hiking - May 18th

Originally scheduled for this month, we’ve pushed our dayhike to May so that we’ll have some warmer weather and more friends that are home from College to join! It’s a beautiful time of year, and we’d love to take advantage of that as much as possible, so stay on the lookout for more details in May’s edition of RYA Monthly posted the first week of May. Go ahead and save the date now!

Dates To Remember:

April 9 = IGNITE
April 13 = RYA goes hiking! (more details next month)
April 14 = SDC Meeting 2
April 19-21 = Be Still Women's Retreat
May 7 = IGNITE
May 18 = RYA Goes Hiking
August 16-18 = RISING Weekend
September 5-9 = Men’s Wyoming Retreat
October 3-7 = Women’s Utah Retreat

Why RISING Young Adults?

The story the world tells us about young adulthood is that this is the time in life we should have the most freedom and independence we ever experience. But the truth for many is that it can often feel like a lonely and directionless season of life.

In Christ, we’ve been invited to live a full, abundant life, worthy of the calling we’ve received - life like it’s supposed to be. RISING Young Adults is a community of people with a desire to pursue this life together in community, and as you establish the roots of your adult life, we’d love to invite you to be a part.

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